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Side effects of enzalutamide

Many prostate cancer patients have symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, and dysuria, which will seriously affect the daily life of the patient. If it is not treated as soon as possible, the patient's health may be more affected. Enzalutamide is a drug that can be used by many prostate cancer patients. Let's take a look at the […]

Dosage and precautions for taking abiraterone

Nowadays, many men in society are under greater pressure in life. Excessive life stress may affect their health, especially if some diseases are not treated in time, they may also become cancer, and prostate disease may lead to prostate cancer. And abiraterone is a drug for the treatment of prostate cancer, let us look at the usage, dosage and precautions […]

The side effects of sunitinib are these

Patients with kidney cancer may have symptoms such as hematuria, low back pain, and abdominal masses, but these symptoms are not obvious in the early stages, so it is difficult for patients to find themselves. Generally speaking, an examination must be passed to discover the disease. If you want to treat this disease, you can consider sunitinib. Next, let us […]

Can dabrafenib be used in combination with trametinib?

For some patients with non-small cell lung cancer, they need good use of drugs for treatment, so that the control of the disease will be more helpful. If you want to use drugs in combination, friends of the patients need to be highly cautious and cannot mix drugs casually. Below we understand Can Darafenib be used in combination with trametinib? […]

The effect of olaparib on breast cancer

Breast cancer refers to a malignant tumor disease that occurs in the breast epithelium or ductal epithelium. The incidence of this disease in our lives is also relatively high. When we treat this disease, we must decide the medication according to our own condition. Lapari is used by many breast cancer patients. Next, let’s take a look at the effect […]

Precautions for taking osimertinib

Osimitinib is suitable for the disease progression during or after treatment with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), and the presence of locally advanced or metastatic non-positive EGFR T790M mutations is confirmed by testing. Treatment of adult patients with small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Osimertinib mainly targets the EGFR+T790M mutation and is suitable for "patients with locally […]

Side effects of cabozantinib

Everyone hopes that their body is healthy, but some people will also cause cancer due to various reasons. Cancer is a terrible disease. Different cancers may be treated differently. I believe everyone has heard about renal cell carcinoma. However, the drug cabozantinib can also be used under the guidance of medical staff, so let's find out what are the side […]

Can the method of taking the targeted drug Tarceva be changed?

There are many different types of targeted drugs that can be used to treat non-small cell lung cancer in clinical practice. Their administration methods are different. When using drugs, you should learn more about the medication information before you use the drugs rationally. Let us know if the method of taking the targeted drug Tarceva can be changed? The recommended […]

Side effects of olaparib for ovarian cancer

Modern women are under increasing pressure at work and at home, and long-term pressure has also increased the incidence of cancer. Although stress is only one of the reasons women are susceptible to ovarian cancer, it is undeniable that the incidence of the disease is indeed increasing year by year, and olaparib is a targeted drug for the treatment of […]

Is the side effect of nilotinib on the liver serious

There are many drugs around us that can be used to treat chronic myeloid leukemia. Nilotinib is one of them. This drug is imported. It has a good effect on the treatment of this disease, so we will pay more attention to this drug. Next, let's know if the side effects of nilotinib on the liver will be very serious? […]