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Side effects of enzalutamide

Many prostate cancer patients have symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, and dysuria, which will seriously affect the daily life of the patient. If it is not treated as soon as possible, the patient's health may be more affected. Enzalutamide is a drug that can be used by many prostate cancer patients. Let's take a look at the side effects of enzalutamide.

The side effects of enzalutamide are described in the instructions. According to the instructions, the possible side effects of using the drug include dizziness, headache, increased blood pressure, blurred vision, fever, back pain, joint pain and other symptoms. Patients with these symptoms should receive treatment as soon as possible. When using this medicine, the patient’s friend should read the instructions carefully. There are detailed instructions on usage and dosage in the instructions. Only scientific and reasonable medication can minimize the occurrence of side effects.

Prostate cancer is a relatively insidious disease, and its growth is relatively slow. Therefore, most patients may not have any symptoms in the early stages. Many patients with early-stage prostate cancer find the disease through health screening. If the patient has prostate swelling, dysuria, and urinary retention, these symptoms indicate that the disease has entered the middle and advanced stages. At this time, patients will suffer more pain and treatment will be more difficult, but they must treat this disease, be active, don't lose confidence, and don't escape. It is necessary to face the disease with a positive and optimistic attitude and treat the disease in order to have the opportunity to control the development of the disease, alleviate the pain, and prolong the survival time.

Through the introduction, I believe you have a clear understanding of the side effects of enzalutamide. Patients and friends must be cautious when choosing drugs to treat prostate cancer. It should be used according to its physical condition. If you find that you are not suitable for this drug, you can choose other drugs to use under the guidance of a professional doctor.

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