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How long will side effects occur after taking afatinib

Many patients worry about side effects when using drugs to treat diseases. After all, this disease is already very painful for patients, and if the drug causes more uncomfortable symptoms, the patient will not be able to tolerate it. Afatinib is a kind of medicine that can be used to treat lung cancer, and the effect of this medicine is better. However, some patients experience some side effects after taking the drug. So, how long will side effects occur after taking afatinib?

How often do side effects of afatinib occur? It is understood that although some patients will experience some side effects after taking afatinib, the specific time varies from person to person. After all, different patients have different degrees of disease progression and severity. Different physiques may be different, so even if the same medicine is used, the time of side effects will be different.

The mortality and morbidity of lung cancer are very high, so we must not only actively prevent this disease, but also actively treat it when we encounter it. Although there are many drugs that can be used clinically to treat lung cancer, they are different. The medicines suitable for patients may be different, so each patient should go to a regular hospital for detailed examination, and then choose the treatment medicine according to the condition and physical condition, and make a treatment plan.

The above is an introduction to the side effects of afatinib. I hope that all patients can learn more about the use of afatinib before taking the drug, and do not take it blindly. If you don’t know anything about medication, you should immediately consult your attending doctor or check the instructions carefully, and you must understand clearly before taking the medication.

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